My dear friend Tobi posted a rant today
on the Greek crisis, replete with charges of “the facts… getting completely
distorted by politicians, demagogy, journalists & propaganda often viewed
He recommends that we watch a 40-minute video to get the
real story. The link takes you to a speech given by Junker. I kid you not – to
get the “real story,” we are to listen to a single person deeply involved. The
next time your children get into a fight, be sure to send one of them into the
next room. I’m sure the other has the whole story.
Let’s be clear about this – we are talking about people acting like children. There is blame to go around, and those who speak German
can start with Harald
Schumann’s video.
Tobi writes that “18 democratically elected heads of state
have been negotiating for five months with the Greek government.” Actually,
negotiations and been going on for years, and they are held mainly with people
from the troika: the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF. The latter two are
not democratically elected to office, while Commission officials are appointed
by elected representatives.
The fuller story starts before Greece enters the euro zone. In
the 90s, Germany wanted a currency union with Benelux and France, but France
wanted Spain and Italy as well, and Italy wanted Greece. Because the Greeks did
not fulfill the requirements for the euro zone, they worked with Goldman Sachs
to cook
the books.
The troika, especially the Europeans, justifiably resent this
fraud. Less justifiably, they now aim to “teach the Greeks a lesson” for this previous
cheating, as US finance expert Tim Geithner once
stated. The Greek public is learning the lesson, not the Greek politicians
of yore.
Maybe Goldman Sachs should chip in to rescue Greece.
Maybe Goldman Sachs should chip in to rescue Greece.
Not even experts know what will happen if the Greeks vote
yes or no today. Both outcomes are unclear. The Greeks cannot legally leave the
euro zone, nor can they begin printing their own second currency. Likewise, the
EU cannot kick Greece out of the euro zone; they can simply stop providing it
with money, at which point the Greeks would have no choice but to print their
own, which they cannot legally do. I therefore do not know what to hope for
from the referendum today.
But the real story is that debt held by private creditors
has been shifted into governmental budgets. The troika is not bailing out the
Greeks; it is bailing out big banks, especially French and German ones. Bloomberg summed up the picture
nicely a few weeks ago.
Yes, the Greeks need to start collecting taxes properly,
especially on the rich. Towards that end, European tax havens need to hand over
Greek millionaire and billionaire tax invaders. Varoufakis
claims that 80 billion euros is in Swiss banks alone. (Greek debt is around
330 bn.) There’s a lot of culpability to go around.
In the end, there is no clear decision for the Greeks to
make today in the referendum, and the problems are not being dealt with anyway.
The Greek public is suffering inordinately; big banks are practically
completely off the hook. Yet, when a lender signs a loan with a borrower, there
are two parties involved. The lender specializes in loans and should not be let
off the hook. Greece was a bad borrower the whole time and should not have been
given this money. Private banks should have to cover defaults without passing
on these losses to taxpayers. We should not bail out banks. Indeed, there has
never been a time in history when borrowers were forced to pay when they could
not, as we know from books like Debt: the first
5000 years and documentaries like this one. Throughout
history, debt was simply canceled when it got out of hand, as it certainly is
now in Greece. After World War II, German
debt was reduced by around 50 percent.
These private banks are big boys and knew what they were
doing when they lent money to Greece. They should have taken a haircut – but
now, taxpayers will take it. The signal to banks is: be as risky as you want,
losses will be socialized.
The referendum in Greece today will not solve that problem,
which is the real one. A “no” vote would merely tell the world that the Greeks
have had enough. The other consequences might make this option undesirable, but
it is hard to know what the consequences would be. And though it is easy for me
to say from Germany, 2,000 kilometers from Greece, I wouldn’t mind the Greek
public saying, “Enough!”